365 by Whole Foods Market, Sauce Chili Sweet Organic

About: Does it have way too much sugar in it? Probably. Is it “spicier” than you’d imagine? Yeah. Can I stop buying this and putting it on all sorts of foods? No.

Link: https://amzn.to/3ou2wUi

FIELD & FARMER Plant Based Creamy Caesar Dressing

About: My first time buying this Field & Farmer Caesar Dressing, I hadn’t noticed it was Plant Based, and at first I was PISSED.

I quickly was no longer “pissed” and was actually quite “pleased”. it’s good! The plant based Field & Farmer Caesar Dressing is good! I has been added to my dressing/sauces rotation.

Link: https://amzn.to/3MXPrwr

Pacific Foods Organic Free Range Chicken Low Sodium Broth

About: Soup. It’s nearing Soup Season. Or we are in Soup Season. Or we are post Soup Season. Depending on when you are reading this and your locale.

But if you need a Broth of the chicken varietal, look no further than the Low Sodium Broth from Pacific Foods.

Soups up!

Link: https://amzn.to/40uwJQh

EARTHWORM Drain Cleaner, 32 FZ

About: DO NOT DRINK OR INGEST. I REPEAT. DO. NOT. DRINK. OR INGEST. ALL others on this list you can eat/drink. You SHOULD NOT drink this drain cleaner.

However, if you need to get that organic clog out of your sink/toilet give this “worm” a chance.

A mix of this and near boiling water did me wonders for my luscious locks that backed up my shower drain. (Use product as instructed.)

Link: https://amzn.to/3MWTDg4

Califia Farms – Oat Milk, Original Barista Blend

About: There is no better milk/cream substitute for your morning cup o’ joe than Califia Farms Oat Barista Blend. Just need a splash to get that perfect golden-brown.

Link: https://amzn.to/41M8Vs9

Chobani Oat Milk, Plain, 52 Fl Oz

About: You might think this is being redundant. BUT IT’S NOT.

This is much better for smoothies, cereal, mac n’ cheese, etc. But doesn’t mean you can’t also throw it in your coffee too…

Chobani, doesn’t miss with this oat milk.

Link: https://amzn.to/41sdlof

Sometimes you just gotta drink some liquids/juices/sauces/drain fl…wait NO. DO NOT DRINK.

(links to amazon may be affiliate links that give me pennies)