Cars can quite fast! Sometimes up to and above 200mph. On streets you live, walk, bike, drive on yourself. The older I get the more insane it this is not physically limited by government and car companies. And not only that, but one of the “selling points” companies are using for selling Electric Vehicles is how fast they are!! Oh they are also keep getting bigger each year. fun!

What is the highest speed limit in America?

“Now that said, these ISA systems still have a hard limit on how fast the vehicle can go, period,” he added. “So that might be set at, say, 90 miles an hour; under no circumstances can you exceed that level. And that, to me, makes a whole lot of sense. We live in a country where the highest speed limit anywhere is 85 miles an hour, and that’s just for one particular stretch of highway in Texas; everywhere else is lower than that. So I continue to be baffled about why so many cars can physically go up to 155 miles per hour.”

How many American’s die per year in speed-related car crashes?

Let’s just be really clear: we have a status quo right now where over 10,000 Americans are dying per year because of speed-related crashes,” he said. “So it’s not like we’re starting from a point where we aren’t already facing horrible losses of life and destruction … Every idea that’s put forth about how we can address this problem, whether it’s a speed limiter, or whether it’s a road diet, you’ve got somebody dreaming up some scenario where they say, ‘Well, what if it makes it unsafe in X,Y, or Z scenario that might come up once in every 30 years?’ Frankly, we [just can’t afford to] paralyze ourselves with that kind of debate.”

-via Streets Blog USA