Folding Ideas

from In Search Of A Flat Earth video by Folding Ideas

Focusing largely on film/media criticism, Dan’s calm, steady voice is both soothing and authoritative. The videos are oftentimes 40-60 minutes and do a deep dive into what makes a film good, how we interact with media and the internet, and how we understand ourselves through that media. You’ll find yourself making your way through his whole back catalog and learning a little something on the way.

Three videos to watch:

+ In Search Of A Flat Earth

+ The Art of Editing and The Snowman

+ World of Warcraft Classic And What We Left Behind

YouTube | Twitter | Patreon

+ 6 Politics Streams To Watch On Twitch


Some More News

from Funny That Trump Got Covid video

Doing a The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, or The Mike Huckabee Show shtick is hard. Being simultaneously funny, angry, and informative is a rare gift. Arguably those hosts can most of the time pull off only 1 or 2 of the 3, but Cody Johnston, well, baby, he’s mastered all three. Ranging from dunking on the “intellectual dark web,” to why it’s funny that Trump got Covid, to Ted Cruz being a weird little online freak. Each video is well-structured and written, and performed with perfect timing and cadence by Cody. Subscribe and watch their weekly videos now!

Three videos to watch:

+ The Lincoln Project Project

+ It’s Actually Quite Funny That Trump Got Covid

+ How To Pretend Systemic Racism Doesn’t Exist

And follow their clip channel too.  

YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | Patreon

The Gravel Institute

from Capitalism vs. Freedom video

Launching off the knowing failure of the Mike Gravel primary challenge, The Teens of the Mike Gravel 2020 campaign used the substantial donations and clout they received to launch The Gravel Institute. Their stated goal is taking on the very far-right-wing and heavily-funded PragerU YouTube channel, which pushes out videos with subtle and not-so-subtle right-wing talking points. They have a few videos up and are releasing new content weekly with big progressive names. Give them a follow, watch their informative videos with great animations, and consider supporting them on Patreon.

Three videos to watch: 

+ How to Defeat PragerU: Introducing The Gravel Institute

+ Is “Big Government” Really the Problem?

+ Capitalism vs Freedom

Website | YouTube | Twitter | Patreon

The Majority Report

from Why The GOP Likes Kids Hungry video

The Majority Report with Sam Seder (and others) is a daily news show streamed live on YouTube. The post the full 2-3 hour live show on their channel, along with shorter segments and clips. With authors, politicians, and professors, the guests are typically experts on specific topics related to economy, history, and politics. And sometimes fun celebrities show up in the second (fun) half of the show. Definitely a better use of your time than watching 3 hours of CNN or MSNBC.

Three videos to watch:

+ Libertarian Caller Tries To Out-wit Sam Seder

+ Rush Limbaugh’s Lung Cancer Is Terminal

+ Why The GOP Likes Kids Hungry And Poor

Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Twitch

+ 6 Politics Streams To Watch On Twitch


from Why American public transit is so bad video

Vox is more on the informative side than anything else. They have some really good intro videos on transportation, racism, climate/renewables, and politics. Check them out!

Three videos to watch:

+ Why scientists are so worried about this glacier

+ How “forever chemicals” polluted America’s water

+ Why American public transit is so bad | 2020 Election

Website | YouTube | Twitter

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